



Oxandrolone, or Anavar, is a very weak steroid with a component

slightly androgenic. It has been shown that Oxandrolone, when taken in dosage

reasonable, rarely has side effects. Oxandrolone was also developed in

especially for women and children. Oxandrolone is one of the few steroids that

does not cause growth arrest in children through premature closure of the

epiphyseal growth plates. For this reason Oxandrolone is

particularly used in children to stimulate growth and prevent

osteoporosis. Oxandrolone may cause mild virilization symptoms, but

rarely. This feature makes it a product of choice for female athletes.

since at a dose of 10-15mg, virilization symptoms are rarely observed.

Bodybuilders and powerlifters appreciate Oxandrolone for three reasons.

First, Oxandrolone provides a tremendous strength gain by stimulating the synthesis

of phosphocreatine in the muscle cell without depositing liquid (water) in the

joints and muscles. Powerlifters or weightlifters who don’t want to fall into

a higher weight category benefit from this since they can thus become

stronger without mass gain. The combination Oxandrolone and 20-30 mg Halotestin per

day appeared to be very effective since the muscles thus look more

farms. Similar results can also be obtained with Oxandrolone and

120-140mcg Clenbuterol per day. Although Oxandrolone does not by itself cause

noticeable muscle growth it can enhance the effect of several steroids.

Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol, and most testosterones, in particular, combine

well to Oxandrolone.A combination of 200mg Deca-Durabolin, 500mg testosterone

enanthate, and 25mg Oxandrolone provides good strength and mass gain in the

most athletes.

The second reason why Oxandrolone is so popular is that the product does not cause

no flavoring. The aromatization process, according to the predisposition of each,

may vary from athlete to athlete. Oxandrolone is one of the few steroids that cannot

aromatize into estrogen. This feature provides several advantages. With

Oxandrolone the muscular system does not have the typical fluid appearance as it does

case with several steroids, which can be very interesting during a preparation

for a competition. During this phase it is very important to keep the level

estrogen as low as possible since estrogen programs the body to

store water if the diet is reduced in calories. In combination with a diet,

Oxandrolone helps in getting firm and toned muscles. Although Oxandrolone has no

no effect on fat by itself, Oxandrolone can help indirectly since

the substance often causes a decrease in appetite. Oxandrolone can cause a

some bloating which, in some athletes, can result in nausea and

vomiting when the tablets are taken with meals.

Some athletes even report constant diarrhea. Those who make

competition or who are interested in quality muscle gain should combine

Oxandrolone with steroids such as Winstrol, Parabolan, Masteron, Primobolan, and

Testosterone Propionate. Another benefit of Oxandrolone non-aromatization is

that those with high pressure or susceptible to gynecomastia will not have these

effects with this product. Athletes over 40 should especially use


The third reason making Oxandrolone a good choice is that even at very low doses

high, this product does not influence the natural production of testosterone by the body.

To be clear: Oxandrolone does not suppress the body’s hormone production. The

reason is that it does not have a negative feedback mechanism on the axis

testicular-hypothalamus-pituitary, which means that during the intake

of Oxandrolone, unlike most steroids, the testicles signal to

the hypothalamus not to reduce or stop the release of GnRH (hormone

gonadotropin) and LHRH (luteal hormone). This peculiarity of Oxandrolone can

be explained by the fact that the substance does not convert into estrogen.

Since Oxandrolone is low in toxicity and usually causes little effect

side effects, many athletes use Oxandrolone over long periods of time.

However, Oxandrolone should not be taken over consecutive months.

since like most oral steroids it is combined with a 17-alpha alkyl, so

toxic to the liver. Oxandrolone is ultimately a very versatile product depending on the goals

of the athlete. Women usually achieve good results by combining

Oxandrolone to Primobolan in tablets and/or Clenbuterol, without suffering from

usual virilization symptoms. However, women should not take

more than 6 tablets per day, otherwise the side effects of androgenic types

may occur such as acne, deeper voice, clitoral enlargement, and

increase in hairiness.


Additional information

active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 tablet, mg



British dispensary

order size

Pacchetto (100 tablets)


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