Anavar 10mg Cenzo Pharma




Anavar 10MG by Cenzo Pharma

Anavar is a brand name of anabolic steroid Oxandrolone for weight gain. It has a close resemblance to testosterone, but compared to testosterone and other AAS, oxandrolone is less androgenic compared to its strength as an anabolic.

It is used for gaining muscle mass during bodybuilding, helps in burn recovery, treats bone pain from osteoporosis, helps the development of girls with Turner syndrome and many other purposes. Weight gain from Anvar will consist of lean muscle mass.

If you are new to bodybuilding, Anvar is the best choice for weight gain. It promotes muscle mass gain with reliable and comfortable results according to your desires. It is an ideal choice for people with very low body weight, it helps to gain weight which in turn boosts your confidence and sex appeal.

One of the best, most effective and well tolerated anabolic steroids in the market. Experience very muscular mass without belly bloating and is ideal as a supplement to any cycle. Great for strength and cutting purposes – all gains from this compound will consist of solid muscle, and you will retain up to 85% of your gains after stopping Anavar if a good TCT protocol is followed.

Anavar is considered one of the least heavy steroids available. It has moderate anabolic and androgenic effects. Even in high doses, despite oral administration of C-17, it does not affect liver parameters. Anavar is also not well known among bodybuilders as a steroid for gaining mass. Rather, most gained Anavar will be of high quality and will likely be retained when the steroid is no longer in use. Anavar users often report significant increases in strength.

Anavar is one of the most preferred steroids among bodybuilders because of its incredibly moderate nature. Anavar has also been found in tests to reduce fat deposits during use, making it a great choice for bodybuilders during drying out while training.


Additional information

active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 tablet, mg



Cenzo Pharma

order size

Bag (100 tablets)


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