Oxandrolex 10 (Anavar) 10mg – 100 tab/blister


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Oxandrolone – Oxa

Oxandrolone popular oxa is becoming an increasingly popular steroid on the Polish market, Due to its characteristics, it is a popular remedy in many sports. It is used in sports as well as in medicine and surgery. Doctors often give it during chemotherapy.There is an opinion among bodybuilders that it is a delicate remedy with good androgenic and anabolic properties. Oxandrolone is non-toxic, so patients struggling with liver damage often use it medicinally. Oxa in a nutshell increases endurance and significantly affects regeneration, the half-life is 12 hours.

The dosage of Oxandrolone is on average from 20 to 50 mg, i.e. from 2 to 5 tablets per day.

We can feel the first effects of Oxy in about 2 weeks. This agent can be mixed with other steroids depending on the effect we want to achieve.

Oxandrolone is an anabolic androgenic steroid that has almost become a cult drug in many circles. Its quickly noticeable effects combined with low risk of side effects and ease of use make oxandrolone enjoy unrelenting popularity.

Who is Oxandrolone intended for?

Oxandrolone with the chemical formula C19H30O3 is not a strong steroid, so there are no significant contraindications to its use. It is a safe and at the same time highly effective remedy. It also works well in combination with other steroids. It is recommended primarily for people who want to accelerate muscle growth – the effects are not huge, but very persistent.


The action of the drug, as mentioned above, is mild. Oxandrolone does not retain water in the body, increases muscle mass and increases strength. It also has purely medical applications – it is used to treat symptoms of Turner syndrome, growth disorders, as well as in people after injuries and to strengthen bones.

Although Oxandrolone is an anabolic-androgenic steroid, its anabolic effect is much stronger than its androgenic effect. This product has the ability to synthesise phosphocreatine in muscle cells, so more ATP, which is responsible for muscle strength, can be produced. Muscle regeneration is also much faster in this situation. People who are concerned about fast and large muscle growth can take this product in combination with steroids with strong androgenic effects.

Oxandrolone is not toxic, is not addictive and does not disrupt the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular system. Even prolonged use has no harmful effects on health. Its use during a reduction diet promotes faster and more efficient fat burning. It mainly promotes an increase in muscle hardness and strength. The effects persist for a long time after discontinuation of the drug.

Oxandrolone is a safe steroid and is also suitable for women – due to its properties it does not cause masculinisation or excessive muscle growth, which in the case of women is often undesirable.