Oxandro 10 mg FULMEN Pharma




The active substance Oxandrolon is a steroid with 4 times higher anabolic activity compared to testosterone and the same low androgenic activity. This drug belongs to the synthetic steroid, it has oxygen instead of carbon atom in the heterocyclic A ring. Initially, this steroid was used to treat AIDS patients and patients with Turner’s syndrome, and it was also intended for the treatment of anaemia, burns, strengthening of joints and ligaments.

To date, the drug is used mainly in sports. A distinctive feature of oxandrolone from other anabolic steroids is an increase in strength and endurance with no increase in muscle mass.

With regular use of Oxandrolon, the following are observed:

  • Improves the relief and hardness of the musculature.
  • Strength and endurance are increased.
  • Growth hormone (somatropin) is produced, mainly during nighttime sleep.
  • Oxandrolone is an active fat burner, with the body using fat cells as an energy source.

The drug Oxandrolon is actively used by bodybuilders, who use the steroid mainly in the last stages of preparation for competitions, as well as representatives of weight categories (wrestlers, track and field athletes, boxers). When taking this drug, you do not have to worry about weighing yourself before competitions – you will always be at your own weight.

Additional information

active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 tablet, mg




order size

Pacchetto (100 tablets)


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